Jan 25, 2016

Simple “Keys” to perform Duplicate check

Duplication Detection Rules are always the way to go with detecting duplicate data. But sometimes we might want a simpler alternate to do this. There are these Special and Simple KEYS that can be created to ensure data integrity. We create a Composite key by the combination of the attributes on which we perform duplicate check. This Composite Key does not allow records with duplicate values in the key attribute fields to be saved.

Let’s see how to do this!

Field Level Security - Maintaining Data Confidentiality

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is handles large volumes of Data. Some parts of the data might be confidential and needs to be hidden. Until now this was by show/hide, but with MS CRM 2015, this is made available using the Field Level Security.

Here’s what we need to do!

How to know the Total Count of Records in MSCRM

During CRM implementation, we might have come across situations like Data migration, Preparing Reports, etc., where we want to know the count of the total records (like Contacts, Accounts, Cases, etc.,). In CRM we can get a vague indication of the records like 5000+, etc., and even when we export to an excel, we are limited to the number of records that get exported, say 10000. We have a small tip here, by which we can get the exact count of the records.

Here’s what we need to do!